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  • Writer's pictureAstrid Elsie Klungseth

Method III - At the level of depths

The Method III

At the level of Depths

«The Heart is the Mind Warmed» (Alapack, R. J.)

The Freudian Sofa in a Jungian Context

When in a conference with a client who is suffering from deep-rooted trauma one is in a conference with a self in fright. The self might not see it that way, but the unconscious speak of it non-verbally and by such by-passing the will of the client’s self. The real phenomena surface authentically. The client’s being is overpowered by a self that is circumscribed by the aftermath of horror. Trust and safety are vigilant, attentive, and sharped-eyed scanning the others’ persona and the context for entities or phenomena which has the power to endanger the self or the soma. The sense of feeling safe and seen is power-less and swift.

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ISBN 978-82-692377-5-7


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